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Opracowanie i wdrożenie nowego projektu wzorniczego obuwia AGA dla osób starszych i osłabionych chorobami”

Fashion Accessories

Project title

Development and implementation of a new design project of AGA footwear for the elderly and people weakened by diseases”


The purpose of the project

The aim of the project is the development of the AGA company based on a professional design process that will enable the design and implementation of a product innovation with a new design in the company. As a result of the project, 10 new, unique models of AGA for SILVERS women's footwear will be introduced to the offer in 3 widths, in 3 color versions, including 2 models equipped with a geolocator. The project will allow to combine the experience and professional needs of AGA employees with the skills of professional designers and to offer a product that has a real impact on the health and comfort of users, thus increasing their safety and preventing foot diseases. In addition, AGA will purchase fixed assets necessary to start the production of new footwear as part of the initial investment. Thanks to the implementation of the project, the company will be able to expand its operations and launch the production of new Polish products, which in turn will contribute to increasing sales efficiency and improving the company's financial results.


Eligible expenses in the project:PLN 1,441,000.00

Co-financing from European Funds:PLN 933,850.00


Project co-financed by European Funds, Smart Growth Operational Program

Priority Axis 2 Support for the environment and the potential of enterprises to conduct R&D&I activities

Measure 2.3 Pro-innovative services for enterprises, Sub-measure 2.3.5 Design for entrepreneurs.


Projekt dotyczący utrzymania zdolności do pracy przez cały okres aktywności zawodowej otrzymał dofinansowanie z Funduszu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych.

Całkowita wartość projektu: 263 673,06 zł

Wartośc dofinansowania: 210 938,45 zł

Projekt pn. „POPRAWA BHP AGA POPRZEZ ZAKUP SYSTEMU WENTYLACJI I SYSTEMU OŚWIETLENIA” obejmuje realizacje inwestycji w zakresie zakupu i montażu systemu wentylacji oraz zakupu i montażu nowego systemu oświetleniowego w celu poprawy warunków pracy pracowników na stanowisku obuwnik i obuwnik – krojczy w zakładzie produkcyjnym Wyrób Obuwia AGA Adam Godula w miejscowości Brody, powiat wadowicki, województwo małopolskie.

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